Fall Leaf Removal Tips & Tricks

Fall Leaf Removal Tips & Tricks image

The vibrant colors of fall leaves may be beautiful, but they can leave quite a bit of mess in your yard as they can pile up quickly, make the space look untidy, and even harm your grass if you leave them there for too long. This is why leaf clean up is essential to make sure your lawn in Decatur comes back strong and green in the spring. It can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, but with the right tools and approach, you can turn it into a more enjoyable activity. Read on!

Should you clean up leaves in the fall? 

Yes, fall leaf clean up is essential for maintaining a healthy lawn and garden. If you let them accumulate, they can trap moisture, block sunlight, and promote mold growth and pest infestation. This can harm your grass and lead to patchy, unhealthy areas that may have difficulty recovering in spring. In addition, decaying, damp leaves can be slippery and increase the risk of falls. 

Whether you choose to mulch or rake, leaf removal can help keep your yard looking tidy and allow your lawn to breathe and receive the nutrients it needs to stay healthy throughout the colder months. 

What is the best thing to clean leaves with?

leaf clean up

If your yard is small, a rake can be a simple and effective tool to use. It should be lightweight, fan-shaped, and designed specifically for leaf pick up.

Make sure it has an ergonomic handle that’s long enough for you to stand upright while you’re raking. You can pair it with a leaf scoop or grabber to collect the leaves into piles faster. 

However, if you’re dealing with a larger space and want to get rid of leaves without raking, there are also different leaf removal machines, such as leaf blowers, mulching lawnmowers, and leaf vacuums that can make the process easier and faster.

How to clean fallen leaves? 

Depending on your yard and your personal preferences, there are different methods you can choose, and if none of those work for you, you can always rely on a trusted leaf removal service. Let’s have a look at the usual methods:


While it can be efficient and help you remove not only leaves but also grass clippings, twigs, and any other debris, raking can also be back-straining. This is why it’s not among the most favorite methods unless you have a smaller yard. 

However, if you do prefer this way, make sure you do some stretching beforehand to warm up your muscles and reduce the risk of straining. Stretch your arms, shoulders, and neck to prevent any aches and pains after you’ve completed the job. 

Blowing leaves into piles

A leaf blower is quite easy to use, but it can also be quite noisy. It’s a great way to pick up leaves fast, but if you’re planning to buy one, do check your local regulations as some states and cities ban gas-powered lawn equipment due to their emissions, and you may need to look for an electric one. In addition, some cities also have restrictions on leaf-blowing time because it’s noisy.

Leaf vacuuming

A leaf or yard vacuum is a powerful device that can suck up leaves and debris into a collector bag which you can later unload, making your yard leaf removal faster and easier. It’s available in different models, as an attachment to your tractor or lawn mower, and as handheld. It’s the best way to clean up leaves in a large yard according to many homeowners. 

You can attach it to the mower using a deck hose, a hitch, and a mower deck adapter, all of which can be custom fit to your particular mower. 

Mulching leaves

If you shred the leaves with a mulching lawn mower, you’ll create an organic, nutritional mulch for your grass, providing it with natural fertilization for the colder months. Some mowers have a special setting for mulching so you don’t have to buy a separate mulching mower. However, you need to make sure that the leaves are dry to avoid clogging. 

All you need to do is insert the mulch plug, close the side discharge port, and mow as you would normally. Once you’ve covered the entire lawn, give it a second pass, but at a right angle to the first one. 

What is the best leaf removal service in Decatur?

leaf removal service

Whether it’s time for leaf pick up or you’re looking to secure a complete fall clean up for your yard, you can trust Classy Grass to provide you with a comprehensive service and all-encompassing care.

Whether you live near Lake Decatur or in another nearby area, we’ll be there to take proper care of your yard.

Get in touch with our dedicated experts today and experience premium-quality lawn care!